Visions & Revelations
6 September 2017
Visions And Prophecies
During one of the quiet times with the lord. I asked him to teach me about the future and state of things around the world. Both spiritually and naturally. And I saw and heard from the Spirit what I share in the following words. This is just a summary of some of the things he spoke and showed unto my spirit.
The Near Future
In the near future. The church globally will go through much sufferings from the rulers of the world. They will seek to oppress her through persecutions. Persecutions will occur as they have never before.
But this will serve as a tool to spread the gospel into the far lands of nations. There shall be tremendous powers manifested. Such that it will be witnessed in those place and it shall not be denied for the signs will be notable
This will result in the voice of the church being strengthened. The church will be heard in the nations of the world. Yet they will try to silence her. But all the attention shall be on the churches in the nations.
The State of the church
Remember how when my son Israel was in the Wilderness. How he lusted after other things which I commanded Him not to touch and they became a snare for him and caused him to walk away from my ways. This is what has happened to the body of Christ She is snared by her lust of the things of this world. But then as Israel cried to Me in their distress. So shall I hear when the bride cries unto to me. For in a short Will she will lift her voice unto me. In tears and repentance. And from heaven My armies shall be released all over the world. And great renewals and revivals of the spirit will occur and more shall come in the fold
The Working of Angels
The Angels of God are working all over the Nation of the world. However there is variation of activity that differes from nation to Nation. Because of the Prayers and spiritual activities of my people. This is what limits to a great extent the workings of the Angels.
But there is a brewing in many nations. Tremendous spiritual activity in certain nations. For one China. There is a revival breaking out. Though unknown and unnoticed it is taking place. For the eyes of the lord have been upon the iron curtain for a long time now. And now the Spirit has been sent and he has been working. And the unknown churches have been fervently praying. And an outpouring has been sent.
India as well is experiencing a mighty move of God. Though it be on the horizon. It has already begun in the Spirit. Young men and women are being raised by the Spirit. And prayer rallies are being conducted all over. It is a spiritual awakening to the true God and even the lord Jesus.
The Name of Jesus in Nations
That name will be sounded throughout the nations. Some will welcome it. But some in disdain will disregard it and Him who holds all power. For they hate him. Being deceived by they’re father the devil. Even in great general assemblies this will be discussed but many who are powerful political leaders will shun it. Because they have been taught and raised by that great serpent and His will they seek to carry out for from long time ago they’ve been marked for this work of evil among the nations.
The Antichrist and the Ten Toes
There have been a meeting that was held at the birth of the Antichrist. And the ten toes/ten horns came to present themselves at a disclosed location to pledge they’re allegiance to Satan and Worshiped the little baby Antichrist. It is known amongst the closest of His cronies that The Antichrist is born and there was a celebration held.
Natural Disasters
Earthquakes, Floods. Tsunamis and great natural calamities will continue to occur even has it has in many nations of the world during this Year. But more will continue. Even in your Nation there shall be unusual natural occurrences
About South Africa
Have I not spoken concerning thisNation? Why has my word come to pass ? It is because the people in this nation have notsupplicated themselves before me. And when they do. The ruler over the air in this nation will be dislodged. And this will outflow in the political scenes. But nothing will take place if there is no rise in Prayer. But make no down 2018 will be filled will many history defining moments for this nation.
About the Ministry
Unprecedented Works shall occur. There was resistance but now there is victory. New Angels are given. Speak the word and they shall move into action… (Spirit continued but chose not to write it down but keep it in my heart)