2019 Prayer Summit Articles

Day 1: The Impact of Fellowshipping with God
`Exodus 34:29 (NKJV Strong’s)
29 Now it was so, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the Testimony were in Moses’ hand when he came down from the mountain), that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone while he talked with Him.`
After spending 40 days & nights on the mountain with God, receiving the laws from God, Moses had no idea what was taking place over his body as He communed with Almighty God. His body had absorbed the light & glory of God as he received Gods Words. This is amazing because that experience teaches us that if anyone would spend adequate time with God in the Word & Prayer, the glory, light and power of the Word would affect even his mortal body.
Is this not what Jesus meant when he said “ I am bread from heaven that any meat and Live forever. “ that heavenly bread is the word of God and we should eat of it because men shall not live by bread alone. But by every word of God. This is how God wants us to live. Moses said “it is your life.” The Word is the Life of the new creation, the more we feed on it (Him) the more spiritual strength, life , power flows into us. He purifies us through His Word, that we may be fruitful.
His Word helps purifies our hearts to enable our spiritual eyes to see God. This is why this personalised New Testament Meditation & Confession Book has been compiled, To help the believer enrich their spiritual lives. The Holy Spirit wants the Word to dwell richly in us in order to enhance His ministry in our lives. So please use this book to bless your spiritual life and growth. As you feast on the scriptures may you realise a greater spiritual dimension in God than you have known before.
This is the secret to a great Life an Amazing Life in God. Download the PDF, Print it and Eat the Word
Confessions on the New Testament.pdf
Day 2: The Prayer of Ascension
Colossians 3:1-2 (NKJV Strong’s)
1 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.
Jesus Christ dwells in the realm of the Spirit. he governs the whole spirit realm. this is the realm from which all things consist, it is the source realm. Where as the Living Word, He rules and governs. The responsibility of the christian is to learn to fellowship with him in that realm. The Spirit of God admonishes us to seek those things which are above, in the heavenly, that should be the pursuit of every child of God. Seeking to attain the place to which christ has been enthroned. Prayer gives us that opportunity, to live in the heavenly. it would seem that the more we engage in prayer, the deeper our sense of our abode in that place is rooted.
Prayer roots our consciousness in the spirit of Christ’s enthronement. we must teach ourselves to pray the prayer of ascension, where we ascend in consciousness to the heights of Christ the place. For there our fellowship with the Father can deepen. We ought to seek the awareness of Gods right hand in our spirits and souls. Seeking carries the idea that we cannot find this place unless we make the effort to pray into it because it is prayer that gives us wings to ascend into this realm of God. We could very well say that this kind of praying is the transportation system into the God realm.
First of all our minds must be conditioned for the heavenly through aggressive deposits of the Word, until our minds are fully saturated with the light of heaven it would be difficult to ascend in prayer, our spirits would be weighed by the heaviness of earthly and carnal thoughts. Waiting on the Lord with Meditation would create a shift of consciousness in the soul, from earthly thinking to heavenly desire. Meditation creates a hunger for the supernatural. The spirit full of the word refuses to fellowship in the earth, it yearns for heavenly communion with the Father. The word of God will pull our consciousness into the realm of the Spirit, it is a guarantee.
I can see that the Spirit wants us to fellowship in the higher realms, thats why he leads us constantly to the Word. The prayer of ascension is firstly soaking in the Word of God, the Word then searches out and cleanses all thoughts and intents of the heart and mind. Let us give more attention to the word that we may ascend to where Christ is…..
Day 3: Wisdom is the Principal Thing
Proverbs 4:7 (NKJV Strong’s)
7 Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.
The Wisdom of God is timeless in that it is superior and unaffected by the changes transitions and advancements that civilisation goes through. Thus enabling any man or woman who walks in it to easily adapt to the world of his time (any future period from today).
This is important for the Christian because through God’s wisdom, he can position himself to be ahead of his generation by drawing from the Wells of divine insights for solutions and innovations concerning the world of tomorrow. The discoveries of tomorrow could be well imparted to this generation of Christians. To help strengthen the footprint of the Gospel and the church in the world.
The Wisdom of God keeps us relevant and influential to our time. We should not be alarmed by the rapid changes this world is undergoing, rather we should be inspired to press into the depthless eternal Word to find solutions. We should desire that our minds be entirely augmented by Gods Word. The world we are moving into requires that we be supermen, with super-minds, facing the challenges of our generation.
I think now is the greatest time to invest in the wisdom of God. We should make advancements in how we operate in the wisdom of God. The church is destined to school the angelic beings in the wisdom of God. We are also obligated to manifest that wisdom to this world. To school this world. But we must offer something better and greater than what science has. Science and new emerging Technologies have disrupted our life view.
Science has done a lot in helping civilisation, some secular thinkers would even argue that is has done for humanity more than God has. But this world is in for a shock. The body of Christ by the wisdom of God will do for this world what science and technology could ever imagine doing. We are moving into a new era. The era of supernatural operations by the wisdom of God. We will see more people queuing outside churches than in hospitals. We will see more people in prayer rooms than in government institutions. We will see multitudes in church services than in universities and schools. The five fold must rise into the place of Wisdom that the Lord has called them into….Gods Wisdom is infinitely greater than the best algorithms or mathematical equation or scientific discoveries and technological advancement.
Thus seek the wisdom of God today for your life. Seek it in His Word through constant meditations and by praying in the Spirit. Remember, Jesus Christ is your wisdom, as you fellowship with Him that wisdom rubs off your spirit and mind. It’s time brother-sister to live above your Environment.
Day 4: The Anointing & Skills Deficit In the Church
Exodus 31:2-6
“See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, in cutting jewels for setting, in carving wood, and to work in all manner of workmanship. “And I, indeed I, have appointed with him Aholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and I have put wisdom in the hearts of all the gifted artisans, that they may make all that I have commanded you:
After delivering israel from the iron arm of pharoah, Gods people were now in a position where he could initiate a culture for His nation. The Lord had raised a Man to act as a mediatory between Him and them, one who knew the voice of God and would Lead the people into their destiny.
The Lord needed to culture this newly formed nation. So He gave them the law and statues to live by that would make them distinct from all the nations. He then instituted a priesthood to uphold the integrity of that law and represent Gods order of Holiness for Israel. the priesthood served as a physical expression of a spiritual order. Hence God held them to the strictest code of conduct. Finally God established the order of worship for His people. He’s God and has every right to decide how he wanted to be worshiped under that order.
All this progression of the revelation of the Lord’s plans is given to one man. It all takes place in solitude, away from the masses, alone with God. The Lord frequently calls him up to the mountain. This serves as a pattern for every man who would walk with God and Lead, He would need to spend most of his time on the mountain of the Lord alone. Too many Men of God live with the crowd, they have not yet seperated themselves from the masses. the burden, mandate & call of any ‘would’ be great leader requires seasons of isolation and solitary confinement with God to receive instructions, greater vison and direction for the people He would lead for God and that burden lies solely on him. Well, on that mountain, Moses receives visions about building the physical representation of Gods presence and heavenly sanctuary. He is given the strictest charge “Build according to the pattern shown you on the mountain” He had all the dimensions and measurements. the Vision was given to Him.
However the Lord was well aware that Moses wasnt a builder, wasnt skilled in artistry and Moses didnt have the material & resources. all the skills, gifting & wealth was with the People. all Moses had was the Spirit or anointing of Leadership, Heavenly Vision & the Voice of God. He manifested the supernatural power of God before Pharoah, in the wilderness & before many other kings. However the vision he was given required skilled workers, it did not require his power. God gives us visions and anointings to accomplish through the gifts talents and resources of others. We must therefore see how we nurture that vision by cultivating those through whom God intends to accomplish His word. The Power that Controlled the elements could not be used to build God his Physical Mobile Sanctuary. Skill and Resources was required for the Work.
Here in lies the challenge of our times. learning to appreciate that there are more anointings and graces available in God than those assigned for ministry work. Learning to identify them and placing these gifting in high honor. BECAUSE THE VISION CAN NEVER BE REALISED WITH THE POWER TO CONTROL ELEMENTS, it requires a greater appreciation for the skilled workers, administators, singers, engineers, lawyers, business people, professors, politicians, bankers, etc…And with the Leaders learning to harness those anointings & graces into their lives we will find that the sanctuary of God lives up to the standard of the heavenly vision.
There is a limitation to the Anoitning of Moseses of our time to the building of the sanctuary and we must accept that and allow God to anoint the skills of those He has given us to lead to blossom and contribute to the building of the sanctuary. Moses may not have the wealth and God does not expect Him to, but he must locate, raise and train those with the wealth or grace for it and so it is with the musicians, people with careers that demand the working of their minds or hands. The anointing will enable us to achieve great things when we learn the mind and purposes of God. And our People need to develop the skills that would allow the anointing to come on them. The anointing enables already those with Skills just like Bezalel.
it is time the multifaceted church of God rise. it is time the church with the coat of many colors rise. It is time for us to embrace that God can annoint the Bezalels in the same way he will anoint the Aarons, in different functions but all for the same purpose. To build his sancturary and glorify God. because the one with the vision, needs those with the skills. The skills without the vision becomes useless but the vision without the skills becomes dead. God will build his church with his multi dimensional super power. Lets coperate with him and build him a sancturary the world would envy. Because if we dont, we may end up with spiritual edifices full of Moses’s, Aaron & Levis in a tabernacle with no furnishings, resources or wealth while all the Bezalel’s and Alohiabs sidelined to serve the world. May the Church of Jesus Christ learn to embrace the many gifts that would bring glory to God and the Church
Day 5: Reflection on the Prophetic Words. 2018- The Year of the Holy Spirit : 2019- The Year of the Power of the Lord.
2018 has been an interesting year, the year of the Holy Ghost & Increase. I do not think that we have moved into the fullness of all the Lord has in store for us. By His mercy I believe he might push it through to 2019. Nonetheless the Lord has been faithful throughout the year. He is unfailing in His grace toward us.
Word from Dr Enoch
I heard a voice reading out Isaiah 6:1. Immediately the spirit of prophecy was stirred (I did not conjure it nor did I ask for it to happen). i had a strong urge from The Spirit to go and write. And so I did. I hadn’t really been thinking about these things Or doing any extra ordinary kind of praying or asking to hear and see what I was shown. I guess the Lord determines these things this way that we may remember that all glory belongs to him.
While the Lord had told me some things concerning 2019 (the theme from the Spirit for the year), i was clueless about 90% of what I just wrote. Please read this prayerfully as some of the things were told and shown by the angel of the Lord. I did not edit any part. So if you find any grammatical errors, I ask that you bear with me because I was almost beside myself writing this. I did not manage to write everything but will do so after prayer and reflection. The majority is written in the first person, as though it is I that was entirely saying all these things. Please note it is not I but The Angel that was giving me this message, however you will discern portions were it is me conveying something I am seeing or heard. Prophets speak or write as they see & hear. May we hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.
Above all May Jesus Christ our King be glorified and His will be done in the earth and our lives. Amen
Dr Enoch B Mnisi
December 2018
The Visions & The Angels
Isaiah 6:1 (NKJV Strong’s)
1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.
King Uriah was a very prominent man in Israel, if not the most prominent, he was king after all. in the year that he died something strange happened. Isaiah record his first vision of the Lord. HIs eyes were opened to see the glory of God. It seems that the passing of Uzziah was the dawn of a new season. The passing of the old, the ushering in of the new. The glory of God was seen. In 2019 we will see the glory of God in a tremendous way. Our eyes will be opened to see further than we have in the spirit. We will be energised by Gods spirit to seek the deeper things of God. The door in the throne is open. Calling us to come up higher. To see further. He is sending and commissioning. His voice is resounding strong in our spirits.
However there will be a removal. This wave of glory will only begin in the Second half of the year. Because it will be preceded deluge of deaths. Prominent men. The Uzziah’s of this generation will pass away. In the church, in politics, in sports, in business, in Hollywood. It will seem like there’s a death storm. But it will not last long. These are the signs of the new season. The glory days. The Lord will call some of his dear servants home. The Lord is making way as it were for a new breed of ministers. But he will allow for there to be a transfer from the spiritual wealth of the old to the new. It will happen in wonderful ways. In meetings. In prayers & even in dreams of the night when men sleep, there will be many impartations going on. It’s time, the set time says the Spirit. We have not seen nor experienced what will transpire from heretofore.
There will an roaring against corruption. Especially in the church few big time ministers will find themselves in cuffs & the world will laugh at the church, mock at her. But there is a new thing the Lord will birth. The first fruit of revival in Southern Africa. But we must pray. We must wait on the Lord. We must set our gaze on Him… persecution will continue in the church but great glory is to follow.
South Africa particularly will enter a very delicate moment. The worst has been averted. The church has prayed, but must continue to pray and intercede for the destiny of this nation. This country is entering a new phase in its destiny. She is in labour and about to give birth. The Lord shall guarantee a safe delivery if the church will pray. And great will be the joy in this natiion. Old dogs in politics are trying and scheming but all will go as planned. I hear “a new president”. The one who was overthrown will wreak havoc before the elections. Secrets will come out and momentary mayhem will follow. But it seems this new president isn’t ready, fear has gripped him. But the Lord shall strengthen his feeble knees and failing heart. He shall make his hands strong and voice mighty. This one will have support from the international leaders of state. Pray South Africa that it happens in the next year. It’s favourable moment for the country. A time of Favor and opportunity for this nation. The power cycle has come full circle. But anything can happen without the force of prayer. May the decision be sure in the heavens and counsels of God…
It is the Year of the Power of The Lord. Demonstrations both of his ability and authority in the earth. And his church are the demonstrators. This power is been increased for the church. The Lord calls it the Power of the Throne. The revelation of the name of Jesus and the Sitting of the Church must be taught like never before. The ministers must awaken to this renewed power in the church. The Ability and Authority of God will be in great demonstration. Surely the worlds attention will be on the Church. Breakout in the news headlines just like in the healing revival of the 1940’s and the days of John G Lake. Those who will major on the name of Jesus will find themselves in great platforms for the kingdoms. I see we will for a moment seem to dominate in the earth. The force of the church will be unignorable. The Angels of Power are all dispatched in their multitudes.
Power Power. The All Power of the one who sits in the heavens and rules through his people in the earth, will be in great display. We must get ready. Purity and Love must characterise believers, if they will walk in this. These amongst other qualities will be the metrics determining how much of what the Lord has said the church will walk in. You have been sensing it, now you will live it and walk in it. But ministers build the word inside the people, the word is their capacity.
I see something. Visions of the Lord will mark this new phase. The Holy Spirit has been poured, his people are receiving. It’s raining season in the spirit. The set time. You have been praying now He is acting. You will walk in the realm of answered prayers. Do you understand ? You will live in answered prayers. There’s a recollection, a remembrance. The books of Favor and abundant grace are opened. And yes, your names are listed. You shall be beneficiaries of Gods favour. I see angels of Favor all over the earth. In the churches, in the streets. In the houses. But remember He only gives grace to the Humble, the proud he resits. Uzziah was proud He debased Him. Humble yourself in 2019. Walk in self abasement, lowliness. Power is going to the meek. It is flowing to the meek in spirit. Remember the meekness of wisdom? Yes, stay in the humble lane. no matter what. And in due time he will exalt you.. this time it will not take long. Because it’s Favor time in the spirit. But it is also humility time. Remember Philippians 2. Have that mind. Walk with that mind. And teach others also. Do you hear what the Spirit is saying? Remember it and stay with it.
Walk in thanksgivings….
Day 5: Jesus Caution to the Body of Christ
I received a strict instruction a few months ago from the Lord Jesus regarding how His church and those in office should be viewed. I pray it blesses you And helps you in your spiritual walk
“ I have heard most of my children speak of Prophetic renewal, some of apostolic renewal in the body of Christ, while that maybe be true, most of them that think this way miss my purpose for my church. I have intended since the birth of the church to equally raise and exalt the five ministry gifts in the church for the sake of my people & this is the major reason why the church hasn’t grown in the way I intended for her.
The overemphasis or underemphasis of one ministry gift over the other has what has brought a defect in the growth of the body. As for you, do not fall in that same trap most of children have. Maintain equal appreciation for all the ministry gifts in the body of Christ and your ministry will grow into fullness. The problem is when one who is called into an office to which I have graced him to operate in ends up having a narrow perspective of my purpose in the church. Their gift ends up over shadowing the others. That is not scriptural and not my will. I have personally set the five ministry gifts and given each of them equal weight in their purpose to the church. I began my church with the apostles and prophets. However I intend to bring her to consummation through the whole grace of the five ministries. Stay in line with the thinking of the Spirit according to the word of God…
I stood in all 5 gifts when I walked the earth & I was able to execute them all successfully, for I places no greater value on one over the other. Remember the Spirit who appoints one office also appoints the other. And has been commissioned to equally promote & exalt all ministry gifts. Yes there have been times and seasons where I sent men & women to address certain things in the body she has not been heeding to. At such times I will raise an individual or a group of people in a particular office because the body as a whole have neglected or under appreciated the office. So I raise men up to bring awareness and repenting heart for not welcoming my gifts in the church. This happens when the men and women themselves prioritise their ministry gift more than they do its purpose & me. In these last days I may have to grant only a few to walk in all 5 ministry gifts. If a prophet undervalues his gift over that of a pastor or teacher, he may never walk in those anointing, even though I have purposes that he would grow into all 5. The notion many have had is that if I call one into an certain office, he is confined to that. That is not true. When each office I call a man into serves as training & a test for whether he would be found qualified to enter into the others. It takes consecration & faithfulness to be able to walk fully in ones call. Hence you have found that there are very few who have occupied all offices.
Undervaluing what I have highly valued is a very dangerous error for those called into ministry. I am raising and have been raising you for this purpose, to restore and rebuild the ancient paths. It will take all 5 ministry gifts to bring the church into her fullness. Not one, or two but all five. Always remember that, you are not living in the days of the prophets or the early church where there were only apostles and just a few of the other ministry gifts. You are living in the days of the perfection of the church and you will need all 5 ministry gifts. My people should wake and see it in my word. Some will say but Lord we are prophets and of the company of prophets and they will miss it, some will say we are of the apostolic & they will miss what my Spirit is doing. Only those who are of the five fold will be given insight & will catch on what the Lord is doing.
Anyone who has a lack of the operation of my of my Spirit’s cannot say he has the fullness of the Spirit, in the same way anyone who says He walks with apostles and prophets only will not attain unto perfection. Be open to the Way of the Spirit, do not catch one truth & miss the rest, see from my place, understand by the word. Do not use human thinking to reason the agenda of the Father. the error of the body is that she has looked too much to men, even some anointed and forgotten to look unto me and my word. She has studied and learnt too much of the past ways of the lord & failed to seek my face for new ways, new operations & to understand my goals for the future. Do not let what I was doing yesterday cloud your spirit from what I am doing today. Have a global view of my church, do not narrow the state of my church to your small thinking, to narrowed worldview, my church is bigger greater than what many have thought, seek the spirit for an enlarged overview of the body & you will not walk in the errors of some of my anointed.
Cleanse your eyes from limited vision, do not think like Elijah, because I have more pastors than you think, more apostles and prophets than you think more evangelists and teachers than you think. Do not be fooled by your World Wide Web or your social media. I am bigger than them & I have been doing around the world more than your internet has been showing you. I am not limited, man is limited, his vision is limited. Look by my Spirit, do not look by the vision that the internet gives you & you will walk in greater places than many have. Reach out in faith and you will see beyond your contemporaries.
Let my word expand your understanding & do not allow the deception of the internet to blur your sight and worldview. Get the worldview from my Spirit. I had told you in 2017 that I am birthing the glorious church & the glorious is the church that understands the place of all ministry gifts among them. As you see and understand this, i will bring you into a new way of ministry, a new way of serving the body. A new anointing that has been lingering waiting for those who would grasp the purposes of the Spirit in this time. This anointing requires a new operations and ways of doing ministry. The old will not suffice.
Now remember do not overvalue or undervalue in your thinking & speech any ministry & ministry gift over the other. Preferences has been the stagnation of the body of christ. I’m telling you this That you should help my people to no longer be children and depart from the winds of doctrine that have separated the body. Truth of doctrine is what will conjoin the body, many parts of the body are disjointed & thus cannot be as influential as I desire for them. If you carry this truth and walk in it, I will see to it that I give platforms for the furtherance of the gospel & glory of my Name among the nations, Says the Spirit…”
Day 6: How to Use the Day to Achieve your Objectives
Genesis 1:5 (NKJV Strong’s) 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.
What is a Day? It is the time set for Light & Darkness to rule. According to the Bible a day cannot be concluded without the presence of light & darkness. The Lord Jesus said I Work in the day, but when Night comes no man can work. So God designs. This means the day & night seasons of life have designated purposes for which if a man could understand will live a very successful life. In the Bible, the day actually starts in the evening into the morning and not as the Gregorian time would have us think. The evening & morning are for Productivity & not sleep.
The Lord is systematic in how He does things. And How he defines success in a day. In the Genesis account of creation or recreation, we see how the Lord systematically redesigns the Earth.
Interestingly, even though it is easily within his power, He does not do it all in one day. He spreads the work throughout six days. But notice. The days only end after he has completed his objective. It was his goal that determined the extent of the day and not the other way around. In some days he did more, in other He did relatively less work. But the goal, the agenda determined what was to be done on a specific day. And its fulfilment determined when it was the end of the day and the beginning of a new.
In our lives we must be in charge of our days. And a definite systemic plan helps us achieve that objective. The Lord is structured and very successful.
Structure, Systems and objectives Helps achieve success in any endeavour…
The Lord is good and mercy endures forever.
Day 7: God Gives ideas To Minds that are Open
Proverbs 8:12 (NKJV Strong’s)
12 “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, And find out knowledge and discretion.
Throughout human civilization, there have been discoveries made by men that has benefited humanity greatly, the Human species through discoveries of technologies , Innovation & inventions has advanced greatly . While most of them would give credit to their intellectual prowess, it is obvious that the source Is the Lord. Anything good for mankind comes from God. The fact that the Lord will use any available mind to plant ideas that would benefit mankind, even though those men may not be Christians is a truth most Christians would have a hard time accepting, yet it is so. Every good gift comes from above.
Why is it that the case? Primarily because Man is God’s workmanship & He has given him mind that can conceive, incubate & materialize DIVINE IDEAS on earth. Man in His fallen state hasn’t been able to make tremendous discoveries in science and technology because God has left a portion of their souls with the ability to retain super intelligence. Truth is Wisdom is Produces Ideas.
I think if we would open our minds to God, There are no limits to what we can manifest in the earth ; New inventions, Technologies and social tools that can allow us to impact our world, we just Need to learn to think. There is merit in the systematic process of acquiring knowledge. Most of these men who have made tremendous contributions to mankind were men of knowledge. We must believe in education. The education of the mind. We must teach the relevance of knowledge to our generation. The knowledge that leads to inventions. The kind that imparts creative energy to us.
God uses the mind that is open….
Through faith and prayer. We make the power of God available to human beings. Through knowledge and the wisdom of God we can make life better for other human beings.. IDEAS CHANGE THE WORLD
Day 8: Activating Angelic Ministries
1 Corinthians 13:1 (NKJV Strong’s)
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
We use language to communicate our thoughts & express our feelings. It’s what makes human beings common- even though dialects may differ around the world. The Spirit through Paul informs us that angels have dialects that humans-since Paul was the one who wrote this- can speak. Humans had the ability to communicate with Angels in their own dialect, but this ability was lost after the fall of man. Since then, every encounter man had with angels was carried out in the language man could understand.
After the day of pentecost this ability was restored. Today, every christian can speak with angels in angelic dialect. To some this may sound heretic but its a logical conclusion to come to, considering that after we received the Holy Spirit we began speaking in tongues unknown to our understanding, these tongues the bible describes as the language of our recreated spirits. And we know from experience that one christian speaks a different dialect in the spirit from another. These tongues often include these angelic dialects that the Holy Spirit enables us to speak to give instructions to the angels concerning our supplications or matters involving the will of God for His kingdom or nations.
Thus in prayer we should always be conscious of this ministry of the angels to us and also of the times when the Spirit may give the unction to give commands to the angels, for our benefit and that of mankind. Remember, most things the Lord will do in or for our lives, He will do through us and prayer is the best place to cooperate and partner with him to enforce the changes that we-alongside with Him- desire. And angels are sensitive to that.
The next time you pray with your spirit ( in the Spirit) remember, there are angels with you waiting to receive commands from the Holy Spirit in you and by faith speak with tongues of angels to establish matters in the Spirit.
Day 9: Creating a System for Productivity
Genesis 1:5 (NKJV Strong’s) 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.
The lord is systematic in how He works and how He defines success in a day. In the Genesis account of recreation, we see how the Lord systematically redesigns the Earth to suit his preferences, showing us that no matter how chaotic our lives have been we have the ability to reset & recreate our environment and desired lifestyles through His System- the use of the Day & the Night as design boards in which to make and create our desired lives.
Interestingly, even though it is easily within His power to finish everything in just a second, He does not do it all in one day. He spreads the work throughout six days.
But notice, the days only end after he has completed His objective. It was his goal that determined the extent of the day and not the other way around. On some days he did more work, on others He did relatively less work. But the goal or the agenda determined what was to be done on a specific day. And its fulfillment determined when it was the end of the day and the beginning of a new.
In our lives we must be in charge of our days. And a developing structured systemic plan and goal book helps us achieve success in our objective in life. The Lord is structured and very successful. You also can bring structure and planning into your life and command success into your Days and Destiny because Structure, planning Systems and goal setting & execution Helps achieve success in any endeavor…
Use a Calendar, God has one. Get a Goal Book. Download Relevant productivity apps on your phone. Put all your plan down, then create a system for achieving and materializing them through goal and task setting. This is the only way you can measure your progress and success in life anything less, you’re living In delusion. The Lord wants us Productive. Now Go become a daily producer .
Day 10: Acquaintance with the 7 Spirit’s of God for Kingdom dominion
Isaiah 11:1-2 (NKJV Strong’s) 1 There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots. 2 The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
In Isaiah 11, The Seven Spirits of God Rested on Him to enable Him to Perfectly Reign through generations. Thus the Seven Spirits of God are sent out to establish the dominion of Christ in the Earth. Jesus Christ was the Branch that initiated everything. If the Spirits rested on the Root, they should also be resting on the whole tree which is the church of Jesus Christ today. We must build a people to House the Seven Spirits of God and extend the reign of the Kingdom. Without the Seven Spirits of God the church cannot Reign on Earth & Jesus cannot establish and extend his dominion on earth. God is in the Business of Building Kings for extending his Kingdom & He uses the Seven Spirits of God to Make and Prepare them. This is the agenda of the end times. The Making of Kings through the Seven Spirits of God.
The Spirit of the Lord is the Spirit that governs all other Spirits, that’s the Holy Spirit. He is the Lord of Wisdom & Understanding, Of Counsel & Might, The Spirit of Knowledge & of the Fear of the Lord. The Holy Spirit, the Gift of God rules & governs all the Spirits. He is the First Spirit to Rest or settle on an individual. He is the first to prepare the vessel for the manifestations of the other Spirits. He is the ruling Spirit. And His perfection is manifested in these seven anointings or divine personalities.
The Seven Spirits of God are The Divine Personalities & Characteristics of the Spirits Nature. they are how he chooses to operate and reveal Himself. They are come and operate in an individual through deep fellowship & acquaintance with the Spirit of God. Paul said “Do not neglect the gift of God,” that’s the worst thing a Christian can ever do. It cripples his potential for reigning in the Kingdom.
The Greatness of a king is not in the strength of His army or the size of his kingdom. His greatness lies in the wisdom God places in His heart. That is the honour of all kings & the thing that exalts His Kingdom above other Kingdoms. How much more shall his greatness be when he possess the fullness of the Spirit?
God is setting up the church for an end-time reigning and dominion program, but the church must first learn to acquaint herself with the King-maker, the Seven Spirit’s of God. That’s where the strength of the church & christianity lies. Lets wake up to this truth and walk in dominion for the glory of God.
Day 11: Developing the Right Culture
Genesis 12:1 (NKJV Strong’s) 1 Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you.
Abram, the man through whom God became successful with in creating a new race in the earth,lived with His father Terah in Ur of Chaldean, a city in Babylonia. It is believed that Terah served on the advisory board of king Nimrod, making them a very prominent family in the region. Abram was born in a culture deeply rooted in paganism, his family was involved in idol worship of the sun and moon as the vast majority of the population were.
At some point in his life he encountered the Almighty God, an encounter that undeniably affected his life and would set a precedence for the birth of a new race.
God’s First Command to Abram was for him to LEAVE HIS COUNTRY , FAMILY & FATHER’S HOUSE, the fundamental Factors that contribute to culture creation.
What is culture? It’s deep seated values, ideologies and traditions which precondition an individual or society to think, act and behave in a streamlined manner. I would think of culture as prevailing thought patterns a society possesses. It’s very powerful because its an environment we are nurtured by that either has constructive or destructive potential on us as individuals. Culture preconditions destinies, Creates the limitations, mindsets and Language of a region & strongly influences beliefs.
We can understand why God instructed Abram to Leave Everything Behind, because He was going to be the Father of a new Race of humans (Jewish People are an entirely different race )who would need to be cultured By God Himself. It is very Interesting that God would not show Abram his future until he shifted geographies. Not just physical but spiritual, mental shifts too.
This is what I find most challenging modern Christianity. We have endeavored to live out our Christian lives with the culture we inherited from our Family and Countries. We live out Christianity the African way, the American or European way. No wonder we aren’t able to move into the full purpose of God in Christ. We’re still uncultured in the way of the Kingdom.
In the Old Testament God used the Law to culture and distinguish the Israeli from the rest of the nations. In Christianity God is using the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to distinguish us. We have a culture in Christianity that we must develop, A royal culture that every Christian must walk in to experience the fulness of the divine Life.
Queen Elizabeth May have been born royalty but she still had to be trained and cultured in the royal way. Same goes for you and me. We are born Christ’s Kings but we must first Leave our Nationalities And Societal reconditionings and adopt a new way of thinking and living. A Culture reorientation through the vigorous study of the Word of God and grasping of the Language and Mindset of the Kingdom, if we truly want to live the Christ Life and experience the reality of the Kingdom in our lives. It is difficult yes but with God it is impossible. Start living the Kingdom Way. Research how Royalty and Deities think, behave & act. Then start imitating that lifestyle. Does not the Word of God Say “Imitate God as loved children “ ? The culture of the Gods….He wants you to Think, Talk & Act Like Him…Start Today !!!!
Day 12 : My Thoughts regarding the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Galatians 1:11-12 (NKJV Strong’s) Call to Apostleship 11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. 12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is not a doctrine- it’s the power of God- it’s not a set of rules. I cannot be taught in a class room or theological seminary. It’s born from a revelation of Jesus Christ. A man’s message can never be the Gospel until he’s had a revelation of Jesus Christ, a mingling of oneself with the reality of Jesus. Until the truth of Jesus is revealed in a person, the gospel remains veiled in the heart of that minister or Christian who wishes to preach it.
I am convinced. That more than anything, the revelation of Jesus Christ is the single most important thing a Christian is to seek after, after all that’s the Holy Spirits primary Ministry to the body of Christ-To reveal Christ-God’s best kept secret of the ages. The fellowship of the Holy Spirit is what He left us with inorder to know Him.
Knowing Jesus Him. Having him revealed to our spirits should be the desire of our hearts. The cry of the Apostle Paul should be our own.. That I may know Him. Oh if we would cry for this. I believe the Father would promptly Leave all He’s doing to answer this
I don’t know if any man can make this cry except the Spirit births it in Him. I have felt it over the years. And it has become louder and louder. Stronger and stronger. The cry to Know Jesus and Him alone.. all the mystery of life is in Him. All there is to know about God is in Him.
Church tradition has taught us to seek for his wonders when He’s the wonder of wonders we always needed. Let’s understand that the gospel starts and ends with Jesus. There is no gospel without Jesus. And only He can reveal it.
Thank God we have Paul as an example. That this objective, this dream of our hearts to know Jesus is attainable. Everything he wrote in the epistles came from what Jesus revealed to Him. That one experience on the Damascus road Changed him forever, Paul the destroyer of Christianity now became the Revealer of its Reality. May we enter that realm of life….and be counted among the few who have passed through its portals. Living & Learning at the Masters Feet
Day 13: God’s Modus Operandi for His People
Exodus 31:2-6
“See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, in cutting jewels for setting, in carving wood, and to work in all manner of workmanship. “And I, indeed I, have appointed with him Aholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and I have put wisdom in the hearts of all the gifted artisans, that they may make all that I have commanded you:
After delivering the israel from the iron arm of pharoah, Gods people were now in a position were he could initiate a culture for His nation. The lord had raised a Man to act as a mediatory between Him and them, one who knew the voice of God. The Lord needed to culture this newly formed nation. So he gave them the law and statues to live by that would make them distinct from all the nations. he then instituted a priesthood to uphold the intergrity of that law and represent Gods order of Holiness for Israel. the priesthood served as a physical expression of a spiritual order. Hence God held them to the strictest code of conduct. finally God establishes the order of worship for His people. He’s God and has every right to decide how he wanted to be worshiped under that order.
All this progression of the revelation of the Lord’s plans is given to one man. It all takes place in solitude, away from the masses, alone with God. The Lord frequently calls him up to the mountain. This would serve as a pattern for every man who would walk with God and Lead, He would need to spend most of his time on the mountain of the Lord alone. Too many Men of God live with the crowd, they have not yet seperated themselves from the masses. the burden, mandate & call of any would be great leader requires seasons of isolation and solitary confinement with God to receive instructions, greater vison and direction for the people He would lead for God. and that burden lies solely on him. Well, on that mountain, Moses receives visions about the physical representation of Gods presence and heavenly sanctuary. He is given the strictest charge “Build according to the pattern shown you on the mountain” He had all the dimensions and measurements. the Vision was given to Him.
However the Lord was well aware that Moses wasnt a builder, wasnt skilled in artisanry and Moses didnt have the material. all the skills, gifting & wealth was with the People. all Moses had was the Spirit or anointing of Leadership, Heavenly Vision & the Voice of God. He manifested the supernatural power of God before Pharoah, in the wilderness & before many other kings. However the vision he was given required skilled work, it did not require his power. God gives us visions and anointings that we must accomplish through the gifts talents and resources of others. We must therefore see how we nurture that vision by cultivating those through whom God intends to accomplish His word. The Power that Controlled the elements could not be used to build God his Physical Mobile Sanctuary. Skill and Resources was required for the Work.
Here in lies the challenge of our times. learning to appreciate that there are more anointings and graces available in God than those assigned for ministry work. Learning to identify them and placing these gifting in high honor. BECAUSE THE VISION CAN NEVER BE REALISED WITH THE POWER TO CONTROL ELEMENTS, it requires a greater appreciation for the skilled workers, administators, singers, engineers, lawyers, business people, professors, politicians, bankers, etc…And with the Leaders learning to harness those anointings into their lives we will find that the sanctuary of God lives up to the standard of the heavenly vision.
There is a strong limitation to the Anoitning of Moses of our time to the actual building of the sanctuary. and we must accept that and allow God to anoint the skills of those He has given us to lead to blossom and contribute to the building of the sanctuary. Moses may not have the wealth and God does not expect Him to, but he must locate those with the wealth or grace for it and so it is with the musicians, people with careers that demand the working of their minds or hands. The anointing will enable us to achieve great things when we learn the mind and purposes of God
it is time the multifaceted church of God rise. it is time the church with the coat of many color rise. It is time for us to embrace that God can annoint the Bezalels in the same way he will anoint the Aarons, in different functions but all for the same purpose. To build his sancturary and glorify God. because the one with the vision, needs those with the skills. the skills without the vision becomes useless but the vision without the skills becomes dead. God will build his church with his multi dimensional super power. Lets coperate with him and build him a sancturary the world would envy. Because if we dont, we may end up with spiritual edifices full of Moses’s, Aaron & Levis in a tabernacle with no furnishings, resources or wealth while all the Bezalel’s and Alohiabs sidelined to serve the world. May the Church of Jesus Christ learn to embrace the many gifts that would bring glory to God and the Church
Day 14: The Fullness of the Spirit
Ephesians 3:19-20 (NKJV Strong’s) 19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. 20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,
It’s Gods intent & desire that His children walk in all the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We should partake of all our inheritance in Christ. One heritage given to us is The blessedness of walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the Seven Spirits of God in full manifestation.
One thing we can be certain of is that the Lord Jesus had this unlimited measure of the Spirit in his life & for the most part, the body of Christ has believed that this reality was only exclusive to Jesus. However the word of God tells us otherwise
John 3:34 (NKJV Strong’s,)
34 For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God does not give the Spirit by measure.
We can clearly see God doesn’t give the Spirit by measure. The Reference wasn’t to Jesus but the one whom God sends, as to imply that anyone to whom God would give the Spirit, it would be in a measureless capacity
There’s no scripture that better clarifies this mystery that Ephesians 3:19. When Paul by the Spirit prays that we may be filled and flooded with all the fullness of God. This is the direct expression of Gods desire for his children.
The best in God is nothing less than His Fullness in us. And that is having the Father Full in us. Jesus Full in us. The Holy Spirit and his seven fold manifestation and operation Full in us. This is a remarkable truth. One that must constantly flood our minds and thinking. This is obviously attainable, otherwise it wouldn’t be a prayer included in the Bible.
To have all of God. That should be every man’s experience who has been accepted in the beloved. Sad to say, it is not the experience of most of our brethren around the world. The bulk of us are still grappling with the elementary masters of salvation. Fighting off some devils or trivial matter. When we should be reigning, we are still fighting. When we should be kinging by grace, we are still at loggerheads with Satan. Life shouldn’t be that way. That isn’t the Fathers desire for His children
The question that bears attention is how then do we attain unto this realm of living? Through a glass dimly I had enlightenment of this as I was contemplating one day.
The key is the Manifestations of the Spirit or rather in a specific sense, the Indwelling Presence of God
This is something the Lord Jesus alluded to time and time again in his preaching and encounters with the religious community. He Constantly made reference to the Father that dwells in Him. That’s doing the works.
The Manifestation of the Spirit of God is two fold. It is Evident first as the fruit of the Spirit in regeneration and as the Gifts of the Spirit In The Infilling.
Why are these Manifestations of the Spirit necessary for all of us to walk in? One the church is to bear the Image and attributes of God to creation. The fruit and the gifts provide a perfect opportunity for us to move into that dimension.
Let’s look at it closely
What are the Fruit of the Spirit. They are the impartation of Gods Nature in Quality of attribute. Who is He. How he feels. How he thinks. They reflect the very qualities of The Trinity. The man who loves his brother has God living in Him. For God is Love. Every time we manifest one or all of these fruit we are displaying the very nature of God. Now this is a big Thing.
Now to the Gifts. These are Manifestations of the workings of God. What He knows. How he speaks and What he Does. These are individual expressions of Gods mind, power & revelation. Together they manifest The Omniscience, Omnipotence & Omnipresence of God in a human vessel.
The very mind of God is imparted in fragments to the receiver of the word of wisdom or knowledge. Sharing in Gods omniscience. The very power of God expressed through Gifts like Healings,working of miracles and special. A sharing into the omnipotence of God. This is what we need. To walk into this dimension of living with the Spirit
The Christian experience must resemble the promises of God, the desire of God. The will of God. We are new creations. An Advantaged race. We belong to the kingdom of the Father. We have been called into the very glory of God to dwell there..
These truths must become our constant meditations, this process is imperative for us. Desire, unquenchable desire for the Manifestations of the Spirit. If this is what we would do. Act on the word, we would find ourselves in an ocean of the supernatural.
The biggest mountain has been ignorance but now as we go deeper into the word, The light shines upon our hearts and we can see. Suddenly life takes on a different meaning for us, priorities shift. We become expressions of Gods dream. Let’s pursue without fail to attain to the fullest measures of Gods blessings…..
Day 15: The Laws of the Spirit
Romans 3:27 (NKJV Strong’s) Boasting Excluded 27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith.
Ever wonder why you pray today and your prayers are answered and tomorrow for another thing nothing happens. Or pray for one sick person and they are instantly healed and when you do it to the other nothing happens? Many people asks themselves the same questions but seldom do we seek out the answers in the scriptures
The Word of God has the answer to every question. The solution to every problem. These experiences have been mysterious for most of us, Yet we just let it be.
There are different laws that govern diverse natural orders. For instance, the law of gravity states that there’s a centrifugal force that pulls all things towards the center of the earth ,it called the gravitational pull. At the same time there are creatures are unaffected by this law. Most Bird species glide swiftly through the air effortlessly as though the law of gravity didn’t exist. However let a human try to fly from a high sky scrapper. Headlines would follow “man commits suicide” because naturally humans aren’t designed to fly. That would be working against the law that’s helping keep everything intact.
One Law keeps everything from staying up and yet there are species not affected by this? That clearly tells us that there’s another law in place that aides these birds soar high. I guess this is what the Wright’s brothers found out. That it’s possible to actually to fly If we learnt to cooperate the law of lift.
It’s the same in the realm of the Spirit. There are laws in the spirit that are designed to help us function better. Laws of the Spirit are greater than all natural laws. All laws both natural and spiritual are governed by God and His word. The word of God created all laws and everyone who would live in this world according to God’s standards has to follow these laws.
This is the reason why Christians seem to struggle in the kingdom of God, because they are yet to discover the laws that govern life. There’s one law essential in the Kingdom- the law of faith. Without this not only can we not please God but He would be unable to Do anything for and through us. This is the law that made Abraham great and honored through the ages by God, the law of Faith governs our whole Christian Walk.
There are of course other laws that govern different aspects of life in the kingdom , just to name a few; The laws of wealth, laws governing the gifts of the Spirit, Prayer laws, laws of kingdom economics, laws of healing & health, laws of wisdom, etc. All these laws must be thoroughly studied in order to get the best out of the Blessings of the kingdom of God.
We have an inheritance that we have not yet committed ourselves to walking into. Let’s get Light and walk in light….
Day 16: This is My Son
Matthew 3:17 (NKJV Strong’s) 17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
Has it ever occurred to you that you’re special to God? Well you are, and not in the sense that you’re one of His many children but in the same way He think about Jesus. God doesn’t value you any less than he does Jesus. Think about that. That revelation could revolutionize a nation.
The first time we hear the Father speak concerning Jesus was immediately after he had received the Holy Spirit. Prior to that point, Jesus had never done anything notable according to the scripture any that would probe such a dramatic manifestation from the Father. So what Happened?
The Father was so pleased with Him that he thought it necessary to part the heavens and let the world know how he felt about His Son.
This proves that we don’t really please God because we do things for Him. We please because we have His Spirit In us. We please Him because we are willing to fulfill all righteousness. We please because we are concerned about His business. We please Him because we love His Word. We please Him simply because we are His children. You’re the delight of the Father Beloved.
The greatest seal of Gods approval on a life. Isn’t when they have done mighty acts of power that has the world amazed. It’s however When we are able to Hear Gods Voice in our spirits. Such blessedness is priceless and should remind us of the Fathers love for us. May God’s voice become stronger in your life
Day 17: Protect the Voice of God in your life
1 Kings 13:9 (NKJV Strong’s) 9 For so it was commanded me by the word of the Lord, saying, ‘You shall not eat bread, nor drink water, nor return by the same way you came.’ ”
The Lord once said to me : “ Be careful to follow My voice and judge all other voices by the voice of God in your spirit. The you man of God suffered death because he preferred the voice of the OLD PROPHET more than the instruction of the Spirit of God to him.”
Never ever betray Gods voice in your life, protect it by all means. At the end of the day we must all answer to God for what he told us to do. And we must decide whether we listen to the voice of God or the voice of men. It’s the challenge of the times and many saints & young men of God have betrayed the voice of God in their spirit because of the pressure from senior voices in the church. God’s Voice is your Prosperity brethren. Protect it. Never let a man’s voice Overcome the Voice of God in your spirit. God’s Voice from man must always confirm & witness with His voice in your Spirit.
Acts 21:4
And finding disciples, we stayed there seven days. They told Paul through the Spirit not to go up to Jerusalem.
Acts 21:10-14
And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. When he had come to us, he took Paul’s belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, “Thus says the Holy Spirit, ‘So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’ ”
Now when we heard these things, both we and those from that place pleaded with him not to go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul answered, “What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, “The will of the Lord be done.”
It’s Interesting that even though they were telling Paul by the Holy Spirit not to Go he was insistent on going. The only thing that could have convinced was the voice of God in Him that went against the voice of the spirit in them
Acts 20:22-24
And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me. But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
We should not find that we alter our destinies because we heeded the voice of God in others without consulting with His voice in us. Both may be right but we should as the apostle Paul, follow the voice inside.
Day 17 : Enroll in the School of Perfection
Ephesians 4:11-12 (NKJV Strong’s) 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,
I would like to invite you all to enroll fully into the school of perfection, that we may live up to the dream of the Father. This school is facilitated by 5 graces of Jesus Christ. They’ve all been enabled by the Spirit of Christ to bring all His people into a perfection of spirit, soul & body. Ministry is primarily a University of the Spirit. Let me explain:
The word equipping comes from the greek word Kartatizmos, which is compounded by two Greek words. 1. Kartatizo & 2. Kartatisis. Kartatizmos is the resultant word formed which is translated into the word equipping in the verse.
It only appears once in the whole New Testament. Implying that the word had to be specially created to carry out the exact thought God to establish on what these 5 gifts to church were purposed to do
The thought carried by the word Kartatizmos is a complete furnishing, a perfect allocation of all that is required to be present in the life of a Christian. It’s a complete dressing, a completion of all the essential qualities, abilities, strengths &credentials that make up the perfect man.
Kartatizo on the other hand implies a repairing of that which is broken in man. A mending, a putting together of man. In its strongest sense, it means to make complete or perfect through the adjustment, repairing, mending & restoring of the man to his pristine state. This is the word that gives strength to kartatizmos. Kartatizo being the PROCESS and ‘tizmos’ the END RESULT.
Now Kartatisis has to do with the strengthening of the mental faculty of the man, a perfecting of the soul through rigorous training, discipline & instruction.
The emphasis on the first mandate of a ministry gift is to bring the saints into a thorough equipping or perfection of the spirit and body through the process of adjusting, repairing, mending, training, disciplining & instructing all the areas(SPIRIT, SOUL & BODY) of man required for complete perfection to do the work, business of service to the ministry and their world.
The ministry of the Saints does not only take place in the four walls of a church. But it is to their world, to the Seven mountains, to fulfill the great Commission of going into every man’s world. Just like a professor wouldn’t necessarily go into the vocation for which he is training his students. But the student can be well prepared for that life.
The Five Fold Exists to primarily school mankind & the saints to perfection. Have you Enrolled for this school, it’s the best school there is ?
Day 18: The Promise or Waiting on the Lord
Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV Strong’s)
31 But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
Did it ever dawn on you that the above scripture is a promise made by God, an invitation into a dimension of life many are yet to access?
The Bible reveals a truth so powerful, it can revolutionize your life. The promise is made to those who wait on the Lord.
The word wait means to be intertwined, to be twisted & turned with the Lord. This thought is clearly expressed by the knot of a rope. The strength of a rope is evident in the way the strings have been interwoven or threaded together. This is what the word wait means. To become one with the Lord through the act of spending time in His Presence.
Sadly, this is a principle that many of us fall short of. We are influenced by the fast movements of today’s world, even when it comes to Fellowshiping with God. We are always in a hurry to finish praying. Always in haste to go about our day. Yet the secret to greatness & the good life is in learning to invest time with God. Maybe that’s why we are so drained & tire easily.
The promise of waiting on the Lord is 4 Fold:
- You will be Strengthened with God’s Strength. The Hebrew word renew implies an exchange of human strength for divine strength.
- You shall be given access into the realms of the Spirit of God. You will ascend to higher dimensions of life than many do in their life time. God’s Presence will be your Home. Also you will live above the Storms of life. GRACE FOR ASCENSION
- You will move through life with the Anointing of Speed. There will be a Speed and agility about you. Super productivity and you won’t tire.
- You will walk through life energized. Fulfill Gods destiny with grace
The strength of God in your life will enable you to FLY, RUN & WALK THROUGH LIFE SUPERNATURALLY.
What are you waiting for ? Wait on the Lord….
Day 19 : The Pursuit of Knowledge
Hosea 4:6 (NKJV Strong’s)
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.
Knowledge refers to information, skills & facts acquired through a process of learning, study & research, it’s formulating of truth
The Lord tells us that to avoid destruction in our paths of life, we must be addicted to knowledge, the kind that produces wisdom in us. Knowledge qualifies us to serve God appropriately & from the scriptures above, the repercussions of ignorance are generational.
God’s people must always be in pursuit of knowledge, in effect they must become scientists, discoverers of truth. The word scientist means “the study of knowing. ” It’s whole aim is to make discoveries in diverse fields to further advance humanity & world has benefited greatly from these discoveries. Some would even say that science has done more for the world than religion has.
He is wise who seeks after knowledge. We are well aware that It’s not every knowledge that produces constructive results. Thus we must seek after right knowledge, knowledge that promotes the human life and leads us into our inheritance. And the Word of God is a great place to start our journey of knowledge. Remember, Knowledge is potential power until it becomes executed knowledge
. The world is reflection of knowledge. The angel Gabriel Told Daniel that KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE in the latter days. It’s this increase in knowledge that has advanced the human race so much. Knowledge is parallel, so men of the Spirit should also be advancing in Knowledge as Natural men are. Solomon said the Just shall be delivered through knowledge. We will never deliver the nations into Zion until we seek the Knowledge of God for the times. This takes diligence of researching the Scriptures & church History to decipher the patterns of God.
Do you want to deliver yourself, family, your community or nation ? Knowledge must be your starting point, must be a voracious under taking of gathering knowledge in the area of your desire. Knowledge about the laws of Prayer, of The power of God & Wealth. Knowledge of science, architecture, business laws, etc. It’s always better to know more than to know less.
Knowledge gives you an advantage. The Bible says : Wisdom & Knowledge shall be the stability of your times. They are good stabilizers of destiny. This is why I am an advocate for education, both formal & self education -even though our education systems may be faulty- the process & system it creates for your mind is impeccable. Education is a tool that can make your impact in society and life felt. That there are men who have impacted the world without formal education exist, it does not undermine its importance not value in life. The former is an exception, not the rule. All men & women I’ve read after had an insatiable appetite for knowledge.
Im conclusion, there’s one education system I believe needs to rise to meet the demands of the times, the education system of the Church of Jesus Christ. We have the best curriculum for the human race but very few facilities and facilitators who have thoroughly mastered it.
God said because they rejected Knowledge, they would also be rejected From Serving God, because He knows an ignorant Priest will breed an ignorant generation. Your knowledge qualifies or disqualifies you. Don’t forget You’re not just learning for yourself but for your generation. The curse of ignorance is generational as the blessing of knowledge is. Let’s invest in knowledge, the type that produces champions & world class citizens in the kingdom, that makes kings come to the Brightness of our Rising. Knowledge that crowns us with honor.
It’s the Glory of God to conceal a thing. But the Honor of Kings to research – Proverbs 25
Transcending World Systems
Genesis 1:26 (NKJV Strong’s) 26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
The Spirit of God is teaching me about the Dominion of the Orginal Man:
To have dominion means to be in charge of Laws and systems in Creation. It’s also the ability to create & forge new systems and Laws to advance and expand the kingdom of Heaven
The current system in the world is diabolical. nature being under Satan but Christians have access to higher systems and laws that govern life.
The system of Satan tells man to seek after things to have them
The system of God says man must seek the kingdom to have the things
It’s a higher system of life. God is implying that a man who seeks the kingdom doesn’t have to Work long hours to buy a car or a house. There are secrets into the dominion of the orginal man. Adam didn’t work in the modern use of the word yet he had all the abundance in the world. He operated in God’s system
The fundamental problem in Christianity is that we do not see mankind as God’s creation we see them as agents of Satan. Thus in our minds everyone who’s not a Christian and succeeding, is the devils work, but fail to realize that it’s Only Through operating God Laws that man succeeds
God created Man before there was any Christian. Christianity exist because of the Fall of man. If man had not fallen there would be no race called Christians or Jews
Thus when he put laws of nature & creation into effect All he had in mind was the Progress of Mankind
And it’s strange because when Jesus said seek the kingdom he Uses a very special Greek word for Seek which Means to DEMAND THE KINGDOM OF GOD. It makes sense because he mentioned how the kingdom is taken violently
Matthew 11:12 (NKJV Strong’s) 12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.