Vision & Mission
Building God’s Temple by the Seven Spirits of God
...To fully equip the saints for the work of ministry, to edify the body of Christ until we all come to the unity of the faith & the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ…Ephesians 4:12-16
Our story
In 2010, Jesus called me into the ministry & anointed me to bring His Healing Power to humanity. Since then my ministry has been marked with healings and miracles through the healing power of Jesus Christ.
In 2014, Holy Spirit’s Tabernacle was born and in a vision, Jesus commissioned me to stand in the offices of an Apostle, Pastor & Teacher. The Lord in His mercy gave me a peculiar teaching anointing to expound and reveal deep truths in the word of God with depth and grace that can only be from the Spirit of God.
In July 2016, the Lord Jesus appeared again to me & ordained me to stand in the office of the Prophet to South Africa. Since then, the Spirit of God has given me several revelations of the future and events affecting the body of Christ and Nations. It is this prophetic ministry that has empowered me to become a man of deep prayer, also helping the church enter into a deeper intercession ministry for the body of Christ and the nations.
” …My life’s goal & passion is having deep walk with God & to fully please Him. That has birthed in me a desire is to see a generation of men & women come into the full & accurate knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. And for that knowledge to conform them into the image of Christ. I believe it is my responsibility given by the Lord, to help my generation know & walk with God. I believe that’s part of the reason why Jesus called me into the ministry…” – Dr Enoch B Mnisi
Founding Scriptures:
Zechariah 4:6-10, Isaiah 11:1-3, Ephesians 2:20-22
" A Habitation for the Spirit of God"